Shelly 2.5 Status MQTT vs HTTP POLL

Dear community,

I am little bit confused, I configued my Shelly 2.5 (shutter) to use MQTT using ShellyForHASS. The commands open/close/stop work fine. But the status is not instant, and I am obliged to set Poll interval to lower value.
My question, after configuring MQTT, HA is still using HTTP or CoAP to update status in UI? or only MQTT?

Just to precise, for Shelly 1pm is working well, when I switch on in the dashboard the icon state is updated instantly, but for Shelly 2.5 when I open or close my roller the icons and state in Dashboard stay unchanged until the interval of polling.

Many thans for your support.

For SHellyForHASS, State change is based on MQTT or HTTP Poll?