Shelly 2PM Calibration

I’m using a shelly 2pm to controll my roller shutter. I’ve calibrated it using the shelly 2pm app, but in Home assistant i can’t use it. Also not on google home.

How do I have to configure it? I just added the integration. Thats it:

I just have those entities:

  • button.shellyplus2pm_5443b23edb30_reboot
  • button.shellyplus2pm_5443b23edb30_firmware_update
  • binary_sensor.shellyplus2pm_5443b23edb30_overheating
  • binary_sensor.shellyplus2pm_5443b23edb30_overpowering
  • binary_sensor.shellyplus2pm_5443b23edb30_overvoltage
  • cover.shellyplus2pm_5443b23edb30 (see picture)
  • sensor.shellyplus2pm_5443b23edb30_power
  • sensor.shellyplus2pm_5443b23edb30_energy


Last week I bought a shelly 2pm for use it with my upstairs cover.

Did you get it to work with positioning?
Is it supported by the shelly 2pm?

open close works great for me, but no position.

Please let me know if you find a way.

Thank you

I did but then my HA installation died :frowning: It automatically happened after a few hours

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