Shelly 3EM power direction


i got a question according power direction with Shelly and Homeassistant.
i installed Shelly 3EM according to the manual.

now he is counting a consumtion as negativ … that sounds right to me due to the fact that it is a consumtion not a production, but in homeassistants Energy Dashboard nothing shows up, it seems that the Dashboard need positiv values? am i right?
Also all the templates for the shelly total power seem to use just positiv power

      - name: "WaermepumpeEnergy"
        unique_id: energy_total
        state: >-
            [ states('sensor.phase_1_energy'), 
            ] | map('float') | sum
        availability: >-
            [ states('sensor.phase_1_energy'), 
            ] | map('is_number') | min
        unit_of_measurement: kWh
        device_class: energy
        state_class: total_increasing

is there a way to fix this or do i need to swap all sensors in order to ge positiv values for consumtion? but isnt that a strange behaviour to count consumtion positiv?

Yes you are.

Yes, turn the current transformers around or swap the connections.

No. If you consume 2 apples you have eaten them. If you consume -2 apples you have vomited them up.

depends on the point of view … if a house consumes 1kWh the Grid has -1kWh and has to deliver it :wink:

No it depends on the name, not the “point of view”.

10kWh consumption is what you consumed and -10kWh consumption is what you exported.


10kW export is what you exported and -10kW export is what you consumed.

Just like 10dB attenuation is a reduction, which is the same as -10dB gain. It all depends on the names that have specific meanings.

You never consume below 0 since you earn / sell / give away whatsoever. Humans easily get that done without thinking about it. Ok, granted some to deep into software might even say something such as … ups only *0.5 from my beer left …
But I agree with you on the quote … the name is the important thing