Shelly 3EM Pro - Solaredge - Energy Dashboard issue

I just installed HA some weeks ago and am trying to incorporate Shelly 3EM as well as my Solaredge Inverter to display power usage correctly.

I think all the values are set up in the right place in Energy Dashboard but strange things happen:
The more solar power i produce, the higher my consumption seems to be? That’s strange as i am not nearly in a place to optimize self-use :wink:
Hence it should stay more or less the same over the day if i am not actively using stuff like the oven or stove.

Below how it looks like in the front end and how i configured it. Am I missing something here?
active energy should be “total received from grid”
active returned energy should be “total delivered to grid”
And Solaredge gives me “total produced”

so if i am not misstaken, these are all values that only increase and HA sould do the math and segment the delta out for each day?

Perhaps your Solaredge inverter is returning a higher value for energy production than is actually the case? As a result, the measured values for the energy return to the grid do not match what the Shelly3 measures and the values are added to the energy consumption?

As an example, I have a small balcony power plant with an APSystems inverter. For this I use both the native APSystems integration of Home Assistant and the values of a SmartPlug with energy measurement, which I have plugged in between. Interestingly, the SmartPlug returns 10-30% lower values for the energy measurement than the inverter itself.

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Good point! Would be quite bad of Solar-Edge. :sunglasses: but then again the math would indeed make sense.

My inverter is currently still limited to 12kWh until it is approved by the energy company. Might be that it reports wrong numbers in that scenario.

Inwill try to get my hands on some approved and accurate measurement device to test.

Either Shelly or Solaredge are off then and it is not me using the wrong variables I guess.

Thanks for the hint and idea!