My 90 mother has decided to install motors in the roll-up shutter in her house, the idea was to not have cables coming down on the walls.
My plan for her is to use a shelly 2.5 with the following configuration
- platform: mqtt
name: "Tapparella camera matrimoniale"
state_topic: "shellies/shellyswitch-32B3DB/roller/0"
command_topic: "shellies/shellyswitch-32B3DB/roller/0/command"
payload_open: "open"
payload_close: "close"
payload_stop: "stop"
state_open: "open"
state_closed: "close"
state_stop: "stop"
retain: false
optimistic: false
qos: 0
position_open: 100
position_closed: 0
value_template: '{{ value.x }}'
This works ok because I see this in Home Assistant and I have this
However my mother is struggling to use the tablet so I wanted to integrate two phisical buttons that works over zigbee, I did so by using the Deconz module and a philips
The problem that I am facing is that with this integration of Shelly I do not see in home assistant buttons that I can activate to send the shutter up or down using an automation script.
Any smart idea on how to have shelly 2.5 configured in rolling shutter mode and still have up / down buttons that I can trigger from an automation script connected with the Philips ZIgbee switch ?
Thanks for the help