Shelly battery devices: Firmware update notification?


I see (recent versions of HA) that only Shelly with external power produce FW update notifications. Any battery powered device simply does not show any available update although HA knows its firmware version.

I know that battery powered devices are not able to get triggered by HA for an update. But the „Update available“ dialog/announcement could pop up without an „Install“ option.

Seen on HT gen3 with 1.3.2 when latest should be a 1.4.x version?

Any thoughts by the Shelly-Integration devs?

EDIT: I just noticed an „Firmware update“ entity for the affected HT gen3 device which shows „Latest“.

I believe the entity gets its data from the shelly device itself when itself detects a fw update? Which is only checked when the device gets woken up by me? Well, I see the issue here: HA simply has no clue if there is a new FW because the Shelly device itself must check it (Fw paths etc).

Integration receives information about the availability of updates from the device. From what I remember, gen2+ battery-powered devices check for new firmware very, very rarely. Only Shelly can change this in the device’s firmware.

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