Shelly Button 1 white led crazy flash strobe after press

I just bought a Shelly button 1 and have it working with my home assistant and setup integrations.

When I operate the button after clicking it the set number of times the led strobes white like crazy. I swear when I setup the integration it gave me a flash option. Now I can’t find the flash option.

Do I have to delete and redo the intergrations or is there a line I can put in the yaml file to define the flash time?

Any help would be appreciated.

Any help would be appreciated.

i dont really understand your question. can you retype it plx?

Depends on how you integrate the Shelly into HA. Which integration/custom_component are you using?

If it is with the “standard” integration, there should be at least an option in the Shelly settings (the one on the device, that you can call with <IP>). It is called something like “flash on WiFi connection” or something like that.