Shelly Button 1

I’m trying to do a shelly-button based automation. The Shelly button is detected in Home Assistant (Native Integration) but there’s no “device” for it. I thought I’d just do an event that connects to that device to do something with it, but no event shows up at all when I go to developer tools > Events > > start listening.

CoIoT is activated, I set the CoIoT to my HA’s ip : 5683 but I don’t think anything comes through. I’m running a supervised HA installation on a Raspberry Pi running Buster.

I tried this documentation: Shelly - Home Assistant and
I thried that documentation: Setting up Shelly buttons with HA Docker
…no dice, I’m stuck. Please help. Thanks!

Btw you can do this with the BTHome integration. It should create a device with 3 entities (battery, packet id, signal strength). Depending on how you have your device configured you could potentially use the packet id to detect a button press. However, I know with at least my configuration it also will occasionally send updates without pressing the button.

The better approach is to listen for the event generated when the button is pressed. It will have an event_type of bthome_ble_event. The event would look something like this:

event_type: bthome_ble_event
  device_id: abc123
  address: A1:23:56:78:90:11
  event_class: button
  event_type: press
  event_properties: null

You can configure the device using the Shelly BLE Debug app (Android/iOS). It’s pretty nice.