Shelly Click events not showing up in Automations

Hey guys,

I just getting started with HA.
Managed to get some devices working in HA, but I’m having trouble using the official Shelly integration.

I added a Shelly 1L switch and wanted to make an automation using the Automation GUI (haven’t had the time to start writing it in YAML since I’m not that familiar with scripting languages).

I read the documentation and saw you could use click events to start an automation. A screenshot of the official documentation related to this:

However, when I try to do that, no click events show in my UI.
I turned on all entities connected to the Shelly device but only see these actions:

I also tried this using the event trigger, but then I have to put the code in myself.

I’m running the latest firmware of the Shelly’s and all my switches are set to momentary or detached.
Running HA in theatest docker on my DS218+.

Anyone able to help me out?