Shelly Dimmer 2 - DeviceConnectionError in HomeAssistant but works fine with Alexa and Shelly App

Hi everyone,

I’m having an issue with my Shelly Dimmer 2 integration in HomeAssistant. Sometimes, when I try to send a command, I get a “DeviceConnectionError.” Interestingly, I can control the device perfectly fine through Alexa or the Shelly app at the same moment, so the device itself seems to be working properly.

For additional context:

  • The Shelly Dimmer 2 is already set up with a static IP address.
  • The problem occurs sporadically and isn’t consistent.

Has anyone encountered this issue or have any suggestions on how to fix it? Could it be related to the way HomeAssistant communicates with the device?

Thanks in advance for your help!

This has happened to me, have you found any solution?

Same issue here.