Shelly dimmer 2 - is not dimming in Hass


I just added a shelly dimmer 2 to homeassistant.

The dimmer is not in the shelly cloud. I updated the firmware, I followed the instructions here: Shelly - Home Assistant (CoIoT =>only activated on shelly, do I need to activate this in Hass to?)

Hass discovered the dimmer immediately.

The big issue is that I cannot dimm from Hass. the entitiy is recognized as a light, but I can only switch it on and off…

OMG…how noob… I was searching for a horizontal slider (as in the shelly web interface)… the new hass dashboard layout tricked me in thinking this was a button…
but its a vertical slider!!!

I’ve been looking for this for two hours… It is getting late…disregard