Shelly dimmer 2 not discovered


I have installed a shelly dimmer 2.
At the moment it is not discovered by Home Assistant.
I’ve rebooted the device a few times.
I can approouch it by ip adress and via the Shelly app.
If I try to add it manually to home assistant the respons is “The device is using an unsupported firmware version.”
The used firmware at the moment is 20200629-130515/release-1.7@28744b8b
Does anyone have any idea what mght be the issue?

Which integration are you using ? The new core Shelly integration I guess ? cause I’ve seen a few topics on this subject recently.

Did you try to upgrade your module firmware ? I’m pretty sure mine are in version 1.8 or even 1.9 beta.

Hi David,

You made a useful suggestion, with your input I realised reading another topic.
It referred to the enabling of the cloud feature in order to update the shelly.
Device is updated and I was able to add it manually to HA.

In short:

  1. enable cloud connect
  2. update device
  3. add manually (if necessary)
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You don’t have to activate Shelly Cloud in order to be able to update the firmware, you just need to get an internet connection.

Glad that you solved you problem ! :slight_smile:

I agree, normally I don’t need to include shelly to the cloud.
This time the Shelly device didn’t find the firmware upgrade.
After connecting the Shelly to the cloud (and removing it afterwards) the Shelly did find the upgrade.

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Exactly. When my Shelly Dimmer 2 wasn’t connected to the cloud it didn’t find any new firmware saying it had the latest version. When it WAS connected to the cloud it found new firmware immediately. So when David Shaad says “You don’t have to activate Shelly Cloud in order to be able to update the firmware” I believe he is mistaken.

However now I’m trying to add the Dimmer 2 to Home Assistant using the Shelly integration having updated the firmware I get “Invalid authentication”

Is there some other account at a different URL that I need to set up? I’ve changed my password to something simpler. I’m using my email address as my username is this correct?

You don’t need the cloud activated to be able to update firmware. I have 14 Shelly modules. None of them has cloud access. And I’ve updated at least 100 firmwares to test beta firmwares since the last months.

However… However… Sometimes Cloud activation helps to get the firmware update proposed faster.
It’s even written by Shelly support team. They don’t call it a bug, but let’s say that it’s an unofficial feature that may be patched in the future…

Thank you for the information in this topic. I did activate Cloud as well to get the firmware update available (faster).

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Can also confirm I needed to enable cloud access before the my new Dimmer 2 saw a firmware update. Was not the case on my 1PM’s

Have a couple of Shelly dimmer 2s, last one also didn’t update to the newest firmware after connecting it to the local wifi. All my other Dimmer 2s did, what I did differently from the other Shellies:

  • Giving the shelly a fixed IP at the same time of letting it connect to a new wifi network out of the box, leaving the gateway empty.

In the end I updated the shelly using the app on my phone, setup went smooth like all other Shellies after the update.

For those looking for an answer (like me until yesterday): entering the correct gateway resulted in an immediate firmware update notification, with cloud disabled.

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