I’ve a lot of shelly devices who work verry fine as shelly 1 and shelly 2. Shelly plugs and also 2 shelly bulbs. They worked fine for a half year. They worked in an automation, so when the sun is under and the alarm system (external input) is low the bulbs go on.
Now i want to turn them on and off by hand. The bulbs are going on but the switch is directly turned off. And the bulb is still on. So i can turn the bulb by hand one time on.
I already try to degrade the hacs / shelly addon but that doesn’t solved the problem… I removed the bulb from the ID list. And it discovered again…
Try to turn it on. The bulb gets on. But the switch get back to the off position.
Is there somebody who has the same problem with “shelly” or the “bulbs”
Before the summer a 2 months ago is work very fine.
This issue exists with Shelly dimmer and EM too. I’m thinking of moving all Shelly stuff to ESPHome because there just seems to be very little relationship between device status and HA status
ShellyForHass integration 0.1.9
HA 0.114.4
I don’t understand what you mean. The ShellyForHass integration progression has nothing to do with HA progression. With that said they been maintaining the integration just fine. They specifically state the supported firmware versions for each device as well. But even beyond that you can always ditch the ShellyForHass integration and just use the Shelly onboard MQTT for unsupported devices or for all of them for that matter.
I wasn’t referring to the addon’s “progression”, I was referring to the statuses in HA vs the actual device status. ie.e Switches showing as “off” in Lovelace but are actually on and vice-versa. Having to turn lights on to be able to turn them off in Lovelace…
Also, I don’t want to use MQTT for these devices.
Oh I see. Well if you are having issues with the devices updating their status within HA then you may have something wrong in the flow. But if ESPHome serves you well that’s one of the great things I like about these devices, the no stress swap between alternative firmwares.