Shelly Duo Transition Time Support

The Shelly Duo bulbs have a setting for transition times, so the bulb turns on/off smoothly (in ms).
It would be great to change that with a scene, so I can use the bulbs as “party lights” with apps like HueParty.
Background: I like the transition (I have it on 1500 ms), but since every input is then smooth and takes 1500 ms, I cannot have them change color to the beat of the music. If I change this setting to 0, everything is fine. Would be great to be able to do this with HA.

If you use the light turn on service, does it give you the ability to set the transition time? Here’s the YAML for it, but the UI should show whether it’s an option or not.

service: light.turn_on
  transition: 1

Yep, that works. But that is only for this one action. I use the bulbs with a switch, something that happens fully outside of HA, then I need the (Shelly GUI-controlled) transition time. The HueParty app is yet again outside of HA and uses HomeKit to control the light. For this use case I’m seeking for the ability to change the transition time on the Shelly backend.