Shelly EM doubt

Hello. I just configured a Shelly EM which correctly shows both the voltage and the power positive values. My doubt is how is possible i am getting negative values from power factor considering i have a monophase circuite at home. Thanks!

Did you attach the cable in the right direction? See picture on bottom of the Shelly coonectors.

Known issue with the Shelly firmware. See discussion here: Negative power factor with Shelly EM

That’s what i said, power is positive which means shelly is right connected. The issue is power positive but factor power negative.Thanks!

Not the same. He says at web is ok but HA wrong. Not my case. But thank you!

Oh, ok. In that case it is just a misunderstanding of power factor.

It has nothing to do with positive voltage and power values.

The power factor polarity is related to the phase difference between the current and voltage waveforms.

Power factor is positive when voltage lags relative to current and negative when the voltage leads current.

Using the electrical engineering mnemonic “CIVIL” shows that you have an overall inductive load (negative power factor → V in front of I, thus L for inductance).

Inductive loads are quite common and power factor capacitors are used to correct this in places where you are charged for reactive power, like in large industrial installations. Residential power meters usually only charge for the real power component used, so nothing to worry about.

Thank you for the explanation!

I’ve Just learnt that PF can also be negative when you are generating power (e.g. exporting solar).

not my case, i dont have solar panels.