Negative power factor with Shelly EM

Hello. I just configured a Shelly EM which correctly shows a positive power factor on its homepage. Home Assistant, however, for some reason reports the value as a negative number. Both the voltage and the power are positive, as well as all the values reported by Shelly at its webpage. The problem is just on HA, so I think it is a bug.

This should be tagged as “Third Party Integrations” probably, if you are using ShellyForHASS.

If you are using the built-in Shelly integration, then it should be in “Hardware”, I suppose.

Which are you using?

I’m using the built-in integration. I simply connected it and it showed up on devices and services.

Very strange indeed. Which version of HA are you using?

Home Assistant 2022.3.7 installed on a Raspberry Pi.


So this happened.

Then I made a new full backup and proceeded to restore an old backup. Then none of my addons worked anymore. So I restored the new backup (made after all the bugs) and surprise… both bugs are fixed. The percentage is positive and the energy panel is working again.


I did not touch the sensors or any configuration whatsoever.

All the addons refuse to work now though.

Nothing makes sense to me anymore.

And it’s negative again… It oscillates between positive and negative without any apparent sense. Shelly reports the correct value on the homepage though.


You can open an issue here:"integration%3A+shelly"+

Include what is shown on the Shelly Device web page compared to the home assistant integration.

I don’t normally use the power factor sensor but just checked and I am also seeing this behaviour.



EDIT: Checking further this actually seems to be an issue with the Shelly firmware. It is reporting:

Screenshot 2022-03-26 at 12-03-04 Screenshot

Also the integration is changing the units (to %) which is a no-no.

So the negative number needs to be taken up with Shelly support not Home Assistant. Ignore my suggestion to report the issue above. Unless you want to report the change of units.

Too late, I just reported it there as you had suggested. I will post a link there to your post.

No biggie. They’ll just close it if they see it is an upstream fault.

Shelly reports those negative values to HA but somehow on the Shelly webpage everything looks fine.

Yeah. Which is why it is a Shelly issue.

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Any further findings on this? I’ve noticed the same issue.

I’ll also contact Shelly.


I also have that problem.
I think the problem is with the shelly application, if you look at the value in the application, the value it shows is negative or capacitive.
If the value is seen using the IP of the shell and it comes out with a positive or inductive value, using the web application it is also seen with a positive value.
to see the application via web use this address it was difficult to find it.

What do you mean by “shelly application”?

The home assistant integration or shelly firmware?

Because it is clearly the Shelly firmware as shown by what their API reports:

Screenshot 2022-03-26 at 12-03-04 Screenshot

By shelly app I mean the APK for the phone.
The APK shows the power factor with a negative value.
If we look with the browser, typing the IP of the shelly, it shows the same value but with the positive value.

And if you look at the results from the API, which is what home assistant uses, it is negative. So it is an issue with the firmware.

Agreed. Raised with Shelly Tech Support. They’ve confirmed the issue and have indicated that a fix is planned, but haven’t given a timescale.


Hi, I’m curious about your power system. The screen shown, appear you have a split phase system, right? Is your system 2 phase 120 degrees or 180 degrees between phases?
The PF of ch1 is too low, have you powered the Shelly using the phase of ch2?

Nope. Single phase. Two different high powered loads being monitored (heat pumps).