Shelly EM History 2 InfluxDB

Hi Mates,

I’ve created a little tool which fetches the energy history-data from Shelly devices and pushes it into InfluxDB.


Home Assistant polls “only” the live-data but in my case the Shelly devices are not always reachable (network problems) and also Home Assistant does not run all the time.

To prevent gaps in my energy history I needed to fetch the recordings from the Shellys internal history.

Probably one is interested: GitHub - psi-4ward/Shelly-EM-History2Influx: Import historical energy measurement data from Shelly EM devices into InfluxDB for long-term storage and analysis.

I’ve also added some example Queries for Grafana: Shelly-EM-History2Influx/docs/ at b602fa4ba1e5786eca923afd799b478e44906cfb · psi-4ward/Shelly-EM-History2Influx · GitHub

What I like to discuses with you:

  1. Do you have meaningful ideas which data/metrics one should visualize?
  2. I didn’t follow the add-create example but “just” used the docker-images I’ve already build and put the addon-logic in an orphan git-branch. The branch gets updated on creating new GH-releases. So if any developer here would review this I would be pleased :slight_smile:


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