Shelly EM total daily consumption

Hi all

Newbie here… I have a Shelly EM and I’m using the Shelly integration.
I can see everything fine, but I’m unable to see the total daily consumption. I have 2 phases and I needed to sum them up to make the right total.
I can see the total accumulated kwh for each phase, but it seems to the the total for the month or so far (I have it for less than a month, so I don’t know if it resets this value by the end of the month)
How can I create a sensor with this information that I need ?

Sorry if it is a dumb/simple question


No help ? Is it impossible to achieve ?

you would have to add the values for both phases in a template sensor like this:

  - sensor:
      - name: bathroom_meter_boiler_energy
        unique_id: bathroom_meter_boiler_energy
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
        device_class: energy
        state_class: total_increasing
        icon: mdi:chart-histogram
        state: |
              states('sensor.bathroom_meter_boiler_phase1_energy')|float(0) + 
              states('sensor.bathroom_meter_boiler_phase2_energy')|float(0) + 
        availability: >
          {{ not false in

The energy values only reset on reboot of the device.
You would usually use the energy-dashboard to see the values for day, week, month, year,
If that is not enough for you, you would have to create utility meters for the different timespans.

thanks very much