Shelly EM Trips Circuit Breaker (Australia)

Just bought myself a nice new Shelly EM and it arrived this morning, so I got to installing following the very simple wiring diagram.

The CT has red in the positive and black in the negative, easy.

The Shelly itself has red in the L and black in the N holes, and I wired the red into the top of one of my circuit breakers (the side that can be switched off by that breaker) and the black onto the neutral bus. Sounds about right, right?

Well the circuit trips immediately on flipping it on. My dad’s only theory is that it’s an earth leakage circuit breaker and that may be causing the trip.

Any ideas?



This will cause an L-N unbalance and trip RCD breakers.

See how the breaker also has a neutral in and out connection?

Connect the Shelly N to the N out of the breaker, and the Shelly L to the L out of the breaker.

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Thanks for your reply! Because I’m a bit dense I just photoshopped a quick picture of the breakers - does this look right?

Yes that’s how to do it.

Ideally it should have its own breaker, but that will do.


Do you have any more info about your setup?
how many circuits are you measuring etc.? solar?

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Hi AlI understand this is an old conversation.

If I am having this problem can I user a Shelly 4 Pro to monitor 4 RCD protected circuits as I am having this issues with the second circuit being added

Best to start your own topic as this one is about a different device and has been marked solved. Share a diagram showing how you connected it too.

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I know this is an old conversation, but to anyone reading this (Australia) note that what the OP did is illegal (fines can and have been issued to people) and if a fire is caused insurance will be void, and potentially could be looked at as fraud if a claim is made.
It is illegal in Australia for anyone other than a registered electrician to do electrical work, and if the OP was a registered electrician he would of known about RCDs (or in this case, likely RCBO’s) and how to correctly wire them.
Just wanted to tack this warning , even though this is two years old