Shelly Energy Stats Missing since 2022.8 Upgrade

Hi All

I am running HomeAssistantOS in VirtualBox. I also have energy stats pulled in from:

Sources: Shelly Energy Monitor
Individual Devices: 2 x TP-Link Plugs

Please forgive me for the the number of screenshots in this post…!

After upgrading to 2022.8 on 03/08/2022 my energy stats stopped showing in the Energy dashboard:

N.B. The reason for the sensor.shelly_shem_bcff4dfcd40f_1_total_consumption entity is this used to provide my Mains Energy stats until I renamed it. That lost me my original stats until the rename so I had to add it back in and have both entities present even though this one isn’t actually pulling in any new data.

I have read through the release notes a few times and can’t find anything that might have broken this. When I look at the Energy Config everything is unchanged and as it was pre-upgrade:


If I look at any of the energy entities on their own they do have the appropriate data. Taking the Mains energy monitor as an example:

If I try to re-add the entity in Energy Config I get an error:

Rightly so as this is saying that the object is already present as far as I can see.

That’s it, I’m stumped. Conclusions are:

  1. I don’t think it is Shelly specifically as I have lost TP-Link stats as well.
  2. HA has recent data as the entities show data for today.

I can only think that it is something intrinsically broken with the Energy Dashboard.

Any help is appreciated as it pains me that I might be losing my energy stats for days on end :frowning:

