Shelly for HASS stopped working after upgrade to 2022.3 - problem with paho-mqtt

The Shelly integration can no longer be loaded as it is missing a requirement (paho-mqtt) - that in turn can not be updated due to a conflict:

Unable to install package paho-mqtt==1.5.1: 
  ERROR: Cannot install paho-mqtt==1.5.1 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies. 
  ERROR: ResolutionImpossible: for help visit

The recommendation seems pretty useless as I cannot call python or pip from the terminal within HA …

Restarting does not work anymore either as it complains about an invalid configuration.

Somewhat at a loss, hoping for helpful advice …


Presumably you have a custom component that’s causing that?

Sure enough …

As I have no idea which that might be - and the error message is rather vague in that respect - I’d hope for some suggestion to pinpoint the issue to have at least a starting point for trying to fix it …

So… one (or more) of those list paho-mqtt in their manifest/requirements.

Home Assistant also has a requirement for it:

# homeassistant.components.mqtt
# homeassistant.components.shiftr

Those custom components need to update their requirements to avoid causing issues with HA.

Following this issue.
Meanwhile see this ticket:

Thanks for checking!

So I’ll just wait for the Shelly update, I guess …

Might want to change the topic to indicate that this is about ShellyForHASS and not the built-in Shelly integration…

+1 - Having same problem - super disappointing

I have the rare pleasure of actually being able to solve this problem.
I tried directly modify the custom_components/shelly/manifest.json’s mention of the mqtt version directly to 1.6.12 which kinda worked but still had problems.
Then - I noticed my Shelly version was .2 versions behind AND that the integration wasn’t flagged for an update - I manually updated it to the most recent 3.5 shelly and now it works.

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Indeed, just installed the update and have it running again :wink:
Thanks a lot!

This approach works for me too, thanks.