Shelly Gen 3 Bluetooth Proxy

Someone pointed out that Shelly devices an act as Bluetooth proxies. I have a bunch of Gen 3 Mini PMs so went about turning on Bluetooth and configuring one of them for active scanning. However nothing gets picked up. I can see a script has been loaded on the device and I can see lots of BLE scan messages in the diagnostics.

All the docs only talk about gen 2 devices and I haven’t really seen anything definitive as to whether gen 3 devices work or not.

I know the gen 2 (and therefore presumably gen3) devices won’t create active connections but I am just wondering whether I can pick up an Inkbird BBQ temperature device (IBT-4XS) which I thought worked through passive advertisements. I know it will worked when I had an ESPHome Bluetooth Proxy.

If it won’t work is that because it is gen 3 or because it only picks up advertisements? (I can’t quite get my head around BLE)

I have the exact same problem, just with a IBS-TH2 from Inkbird.

Based on what I can find so far, they do not seem to get relayed to HA via Shelly Bluetooth Proxies, for whatever reason … I can see in the Shelly log that it is picking up the advertisement, but it doesn’t seem to do anything with it.

What is really odd is that I started playing around with Bermuda for Bluetooth trilateration and some time after setting it up I got a notification that HA had detected the Inkbird device and set it up.

It isn’t updating very quickly but I am struggling to comprehend what has happened so that it is suddenly being processed. The Shelly which is about 2m away was setup for about 2 days without picking it up

With the Gen 2, from memory there were 3 steps involved. Turn on BT on the Shelly, turn on the Shelly acting as a proxy (they use the term ‘gateway’ I believe) and then turn BT Proxy on in HA for the device under configure.

I’m hitting the same brick wall on this - did you make any progress? I can see the BT announcements in the Shelly log via the web interface, but it doesnt seem to do anything.

I manually added the mac addresses and it’s now waiting on detecting sensors, but had been doing that for two days without anything. The Shelly is next to the Bluetooth thermometer.

I can add the thermometer