I’m new to HA and I’m using it with some of the shelly equipment.
I’ve been using my own toolset so far, so I know that the H&T sensors are able to send values with 0.1° resolution (i know thats not accuracy…)
Anyhow, HA is either not storing values with that resolution or something else is off.
thanks for the attempt, but seems it wasn’t related to that at all.
relevant lines: 60 and 61 in const.py
added “CONF_DECIMALS:1” and everything is working fine now.
to be honest i don’t know why one would strip the digits there and not when displaying the values, but anyway
Hi, I know this thread is old, but it is the only place I can see anything that might help with this. Have tried your fix on a version of the Shelly integration in custom_components but don’t see any change. Do you still use this and can you get a decimal in the temperature?