I just flashed a Shelly I3 with an ESPHome image (see here).
Pretty fickle thing to do without the fitting connector! But after some trial and error with a small pair of tweezers I got it going. Now I can OTA-update from the ESPHome plugin in HA.
Bootstrapping is such fun!
The three inputs work and show up in the UI.
The LED is not available yet.
Can you provide some details how you solved this? I have a couple of i3s flashed with esphome. They are much more stable than with stock firmware (a lot of wifi issues).
But now I have “phantom” button presses.
I control my shutters with the i3s and now in the middle of the night my shutters open - or close …
Very annoying - but i´m struggeling with logging on esphome.
At the moment i´m considering tasmota with mqtt or replacing them
If Phantom presses are picked up by node red filter them out. In the trigger node where the i3 is selected click all boxes to ignore all state changes other than on and off.