Shelly integration not installing

Clicking the [Add Integration] button on the Home Assistant Shelly page give me the error response that
“This integration does not support configuration via the UI. If you followed this link from the Home Assistant website, make sure you run the latest version of Home Assistant.”

I believe that I am running the latest version of Home Assistant. What could I be doing wrong?


Home Assistant 2022.8.3
Supervisor 2022.07.0
Operating System 8.4
Frontend 20220802.0 - latest

Do it from inside HA and not from the page. I have had this issue a few times with different integrations when using the “Add Integration” from a page.

So go to Settings → devices and services and click + Add Integration. Search for it in the list and add from there.

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Thanks @Neil_Brownlee. At first the inside HA path failed as well. I logged on directly to my first [and new] device, updated the firmware to the latest version and added the integration from inside HA. All good.

I am blown away how mature and easy the integration is.
