I have bought 3 Shelly Plus 1PM devices but cannot add them to Home assistant. They are not automatically recognized. My other Shelly’s (1 and plug S) were added without a problem. I have been in contact with the Shelly support and there everything looks ok. Anybody here that knows what I can do to solve this?
I am using the Home Assistant Core (without Docker) on a Synology NAS.
I guess it could be some sort of dependency issue.
I don’t have any Gen 2 Shellys so can’t confirm. Maybe someone else can. If they do confirm it is operating as expected with other install methods you could open an issue here:
I have everything up-to-date (HA et Shelly firmware). No issue to integrate Gen2 Shellys using the native integration. I have some “Plus 1PM” and “Plus 1”.
I do it manually : Integration > add > Shelly > I set the module IP and everything is OK.
Apparently the Home Assistant Core version I am running on my Synology NAS does not yet support the gen 2 devices. Need to find a solution to get a newer version running.
I’m feeling utterly stupid but can’t seem to get it to work. today I received my first Gen2 device; a Shelly Plus 1pm.
After reading up a bit it seems CoioT has been deprecated in flavor of WebSocket’s. How do I set this up with HA? Because it does discover the device but tells me the device isn’t properly provisioned and I should contact Shelly support.
I updated the FW to 10.3 and now have even tried the beta FW. My HA is on 2022.7.5 running in a docker container. I have a dozen Gen1 devices connected and they all run just fine.
I am convinced pushing to MQTT would work, but that makes another piece in the network and I would like to have just the native integration. Meanwhile I’ll look further for a solution, but if anyone can help out, would be very cool
After a few hours I’d just started working. Haven’t changed anything. Oh well.
With module IP you’re referring to the IP address of the Shelly, right? May be obvious but my Dimmer 2 is not auto-discovered (despite setting make discoverable in the Shelly) and adding it manually gives me a connection error. Shelly runs latest beta firmware
I am having the same issue. I have tried the add option and entered the IP address however it says, “The device is using an unsupported firmware version.” The firmware does not update when connected to a network with Internet access. It says “No new device versions found.”
HI guys, I am facing the same problem trying to integrate a Shelly puls 1 in Home Aisisstant. My installalation is in a docker container running on a Synology NAS. The version presently installed is HA 2023.1.7. The Shelly Plus one is running on Firmware version 0.7.0
The message when trying to integrate the device manually is that the Firmware Version is currently not supported
Reading through the thread above, I cannot see any solution. Can anyone help please?
The Shelly 1 Plus device is equipped with the ESP32 instead of the ESP8266 of the other Shelly models. The hard USB-Serial Port does not have enough power to power WiFi. After tasmotize what should be done is to disconnect it from the serial port and connect it to 220 v respecting the phase and neutral (L-N). Connect the smart phone to the TASMOTAxxxx WiFi and access the IP or in some cases and we will enter the configuration web. We configure SSID, MQTT, Template according to Shelly Plus 1 Switch Module (SPL1) Configuration for Tasmota
HA detects it automatically