Shelly Plus1PM back to Stock Firmware

Hello all,

I have to write now but times a post about it in the forum, I have already read several posts here in the forum and in google through, unfortunately, none has helped.

I had my Shelly Plus1PM via Tasmota32 to mgose on Tasmota and then flashed to ESPHome.
This works so far, but I have problems every time I update the Shellys in ESPHome. It always blows my fuse.
Now I wanted to bring this back to the factory settings (original firmware). But so far I have found no working instructions.
I can’t even get it to flash the shellys from ESPHome back to Tasmota and then from there to the stock firmware.

Has anyone already managed to do this successfully?

Here After flash some log Outputs:

invalid header: 0x401e279c
invalid header: 0x401e279c
invalid header: 0x401e279c
invalid header: 0x401e279c
invalid header: 0x401e279c
invalid header: 0x401e279c
invalid header: 0x401e279c
invalid header: 0x401e279c
ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46

Did you manage to revert to stock Shelly firmware? I am trying to do the same.