Once configured my very first shelly pro 1 over its web interface I noticed Home Assistant shelly integration found it. Sounds like great, but the switch which was created by the integration doesnt work properly.
From web interface of shelly pro 1 i can turn it on and off, works fine but from Home Assistant shelly integration when it try to turn it off it goes back to on state. How to fix it, what to check?
you may have older firmware i dont have such settings in mine, latest firmware, latest hardware. Side note: it works fine from Node-Red but not from Home Assistant.
No I do not have older FW
FW 0.14.1
But is a Shelly Plus PM (but it does not matter)
And why is everything enabled for you?
LAN and WLAN together should not be activated (2x IP)
AP mode is actually only needed when setting up
BT only if you need it
And which integration do you use in HA?
The in-house Shelly integration or do you use another one by chance?
Disabled both WIFI AP and BT, just in case and I don’t use it. I do see two shelly for some reason. One is ShellyForHASS left side menu (I never used this) and also in the settings/integrations I see the ShellyForHASS.