Shelly Prodimmer2pm Node red


I have some issues to control the shelly Prodimmer2PM.
It has 2 output channels and I can not find how to control it.
Everything I do it doesn’t work at all.
Printscreen below what i’m using. I use the same trigger for al my other shelly dimmer that have a single output.
The device parameters i left the name of the lights blank so that it is in default.
I have try to input in node red “id”, “light”, “channel”, specific name of the device, … nothing seems to work. I have connection with the prodimmer in node red and can debug the output of the dimmer but not controlling it…

Hopefully somebody has a clear solution. I have looked for several hours on the net and can not found something usefull.


Can you control the dimmer from home assistant? Go to dev tools in ha. Use the action tab to test service calls to the dimmer. Once you have the working format there, post it here.

This is working.

You can control it just like a light entity. To adjust the brightness you would use a number in between 0-255 in the data section.

How does it work with the shelly library?
I have the Node red latest update and the shelly is recognized automatically in node red.
As you can see it is connected.
The trigger sends a message (the first message in the thread above) to the shelly node.

debug after timestamp, it has to be something with the entity_id. The name target I allready use channel, light, name, id, name_id, …

I don’t use this node. Have you looked on the nodes page? There are many example flows there that you can import.

Yes i did but now i have copy the example code into my flow… i looks different then the text they are writing and it works!!! I have to use a function node as wel and not a trigger node.
