Shelly Qubino Shutter open/close calls inverted


after installing a new Shelly Qubino Shutter device to some 4-wire shutter motor I noticed that the function calls to open and close the shutter are inverted. Opening it actually closes the shutter and vice versa. Pushing the physical buttons works just as they should but the calls in HA are inverted. It seems to be an issue for this device since I checked with a fibaro roller shutter 3 which is all fine. Did anyone else have the same issue? Is it the device or the software? Just wondering if this is a bug and if so where I am supposed to file a bug ticket at. :thinking:

Thanks and best regards!


go to
Settings -> Devices -> <yourShellyQubinoShutter> -> Configure
and play with the Settings. I think in your case it should be Parameter 5 set to 1.

Thanks for the hint. It seems that the problem can be mitigated by that. I had to invert the input but also the output as my physical switch was wired correctly but would have been inverted when only changing the input setting. However I see it as a mitigation since the device was and is by default inverted which should not be the case at all. Anyhow it works great and I appreciate your help! Thanks!

I also have the same problem and inverting both input and output did the trick.

I was wondering if this is a problem with HA?
Did anyone try to use it with another z-wave control software?

There is a topic on openhab which also has the same problem…

I reported this to the shelly support team. They replied that they are investigating…

have you got any detailed information about all parameters required for Venetian mode?
I have just started with them and documentation is not so much fun.

Shelly Knowledge Base | Shelly Qubino Wave devices shows less than Z-Wave JS Config DB Browser - 0x0082 which even not complete.
Moreover, the Shutter is not listed in Z-Wave Product Catalog - Search for shelly

I recently installed those and am controlling them purely via zwave commands. I use venetian mode, and noticed that when I am messing with slider for tilt, they are bit off after moving it few times. Means - they are not fully horizontal when you set them to cover_tilt_open: 100. The only way to get around this is to move them a little up (position, not the tilt)

thx for the update.
How did you commission it? Only autocalibration and tilt time?

Just calibration. I tried updating the full turn time, but it is not it. Why? Because if default 1.5s is too short for full turn, and you increased it, then opening tilt fully would mean that it would open and move up a little. But it is not happening. Basically as soon as you move it up/down a little, it gets back to normal. Also, I have not seen this issue only if you do full open/full close, only when you start changing positiona between 0-100, that is when it breaks.