I’m currently making automations for our roller shutters. I would like to add a condition to them that when someone used the physical buttons the automation does not get triggered so it does not override whatever a person manually set it to (by checking boolean most likely).
What I would like is to turn a binary sensor ‘boolean.cover_bedroom_manual’ to true when the switch in the bedroom was pressed to control the roller shutter manually. In this way the roller shutter automation which is triggered by time/sun is not activated the next time the sun entity is updated.
I’m currently using the ShellyForHASS integration and my shelly’s show up as sensor.shelly_shsw_25_68ecf2_1_consumption which I’m not sure I can use in the trigger’s event_data’s entity_id.
However, since the switch also controls the load (light bulb, or whatever) I don’t use these binary_sensors and just rely on the switch provided. However, in the shelly configuration under Settings -> Button Type there is the option for “Detached Switch”. This means that the switch will NOT control the load. With this mode enabled, the binary_sensor becomes useful because it will tell me if the switch on the wall is in the “on” or “off” position.
Though I don’t use it, I’ve tested it and it does change when I toggle the switch on the wall.