Cool that you’ve got a Shelly Uni hooked up. I’m waiting on a delivery for one.
Can you use a Template that just adds 1 to the value and puts that into a new entity?
Here are some examples:
It does have a web Interface and the voltage reported there Is the same as in HA, there are some options In there but none for the voltage offset. I have another Uni coming this week, If I get the same results then I will report It to Shelly.
I got mine yesterday and it measures voltage exactly the same as my multimeter. I used the HACS Shelly software instead of the built-in Shelly software in Home Assistant. It supposedly can be run in addition to the built-in one:
Note that I had to use the “voltage: { decimals: 1 }” lin in my configuration.yaml to get it to not round off to an integer.
Well this has saved me a bit of panic, thank you. I went to check the manual and sure enough, the diagram shows you should do this. Odd enough that I didn’t think I need to read the manual for this.