Shelly Wifi or Fibaro ZWave ? :)


I will move to a new house mid-july.
I will need about 18 roller shutter modules, about 13 dimmers and 10 on/off light controls, and about 10 on/off switch controls. That’s roughly 50 modules that need to be reliable.

I’ve been thinking about this for months, I’ve tested many modules for months… and I still can’t decide between Shelly products and Fibaro.

I know they use different protocols, each one having pros/cons.
I know Fibaro cost about 2.5 more.
I know they have different parameters.

My House will have a decent wifi network (3 Unifi Wifi AP).

I’ve been using Fibaro Zwave for about 2 years now, and Shelly wifi for about 1 year I think, maybe a little bit less.

Which one do you think will be the more reliable in the long-run, for let’s say the next 5 years ?

Note : I don’t use battery powered devices with Zwave or Wifi, only Zigbee and some professional alarm closed protocol.

And so finally, what did you choose?

Hi David,

I have exactly the same decision to make on similar scale, but without the previous experience with Fibaro. So what did you choose eventually?

Ik volg dit graag mee. Welke is het geworden en tevreden met je keuze?
Zit zelf ook met gelijkaardige twijfel en raak er maar niet aan uit.

Any update on this?

I’ve ended by choosing ZWave Fibaro for my roller shutters.
I also use some Shelly Wifi devices for other purposes.
And I also use a lot of Zigbee battery-powered devices.