Shelly1 + Temperature Addon + (Automation on time AND Numeric state) = triggers always

Hey folks,
I’m quite a newbie, so I have a newbie problem. :slight_smile:

I have intergrated (Shelly Intergration, not MQTT) a temperature sensor addon (this one)
via a shelly1.
Everything works fine, but the automation on a specific time AND temperature.

It always triggers at 2:00AM, even if the temperature is above 20 degrees celsius (°C).
Is there a datatype conflict (String vs. float) or is this sensor computing with fahrenheit (°F)?
Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Have a nice day,

Lovelace Trigger Log


alias: Schlafzimmerheizung ein
description: ''
  - platform: time
    at: '02:00'
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.shellyschlafzimmer_temperature
    below: '20'
  - service: switch.turn_on
      entity_id: switch.shellyschlafzimmer
mode: single

Go to Developer Tools —> States (tab) —> Type sensor.shellyschlafzimmer_temperature

What value do you see in the state there? Is it in Celsius or Fahrenheit?

Hey guys, the problem is solved by re-setting shelly. Since then it works fine. Don’t know what went wrong the first time.
Thanks for thinking about my problem.