Shelly2.5: MQTT Mosquitto password AND web password

Hi all,

I have installed the Mosquitto MQTT addon and configured it with a shelly 2.5 and also with the standard HomeAssistant shelly integration.
I have tried to add the shelly web interface password and there is everything stop working.

Any idea on where to set this password?

I’ve also tried to add in the configuration file:

username: myuser
password: mypassword

but nothing

The error message I can see from my user interface when I press the open button is:

Failed to call service cover/open_cover. 401, message=‘Unauthorized’, url=URL(‘’)

did you get this working, @efes ?
i just applied username/password to my Shelly’s web interface, and they’ve all stopped responding to HA. googling so far hasn’t revealed how to tell the built-in Shelly integration about the new username/password…

for posterity:
this post has a solution for manuallly adding credentials to the .core/config_entries