ShellyForHass custom component

We will do a pull request to HASS soon

Hi @woody4165

Does HASS have http access to the switches?
Can you see the attributes for the switch, like this:

What do you mean with “Does HASS have http access to the switches?”?

They are in the same lan, Shelly cloud is disabled and MQTT is enabled.

Nope, I don’t see it like your

I see like this


Are you running the latest version of HASS?

I’m on 0.96.4, latest is 0.96.5
Is it OK?

Just updated to 0.96.5, but no change

This is what I see in the log

2019-08-02 09:37:46 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.shelly] Starting shelly, 0.0.15
2019-08-02 09:37:46 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.shelly] pyShelly, 0.0.31
2019-08-02 09:37:48 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.hacs.restore] StyraHem/ShellyForHASS

and every 30mins

2019-08-02 09:38:23 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.hacs.StyraHem/ShellyForHASS] Running update```

Also trying to set ShellyforHass at home, but found difficulties as my Shellies are connected to a few different wifi networks, and the component only finds those managed at the same network Hassio runs on.

Aparently, there is a CoAP proxy component (a .py script), but looks to lack of enough documentation for a newbie, and may probably need to setup additional network components to be supported.

Any experiences using this out there?

Just setup this component and noticed the Shelly Flood’s don’t have the temperature or flood sensor showing up in HASSIO. Also, all sensors disappeared for the Shelly 1’s and Floods after I rebooted HASSIO. The switched created for the Shelly 1’s still appear.

Also, anyone had any luck getting the proxy script to run on pfsense? I managed to get it to run on a PI thats on the same network as the Shelly’s and they where added to HASSIO, once I rebooted HASSIO, they disappeared and have not come back.

I still only have two Shelly Devices and planning for more.
Found this custom component and everything went fine until yesterday when my shelly 2 stopped being recognized in Hassio. It says the device isn’t available.

My network is managed by two Asus Routers in mesh mode, don’t know to which nod each shelly connects, might be the cause? Saw something above that they must be on the same wifi network, but this being a mesh, it shouldn’t be a problem I think.

Tried to uninstall and reinstall the component but without success.

Anyone got this working with the flood? Doesn’t seem to show the flood or temp sensors.

Does anyone has example to create an action?

I have a movement sensor, with the movement sensor triggered -> I want to click the switch on to turn onn the light…

As far as I understand you can use a normal automation for this.

Do you have any issues doing it this way? Can you please post your sample code?

I am searching for an example! :slight_smile:

Here is the exact thing you want if I understood correctly. If Motion detected (trigger), turn light on (action).

Hi does this need Shelly cloud to work ?
I have been using this now for a few months as well as there app, but have found when the cloud goes off line so do the devices from HA. Only for a few minutes and when cloud and Shelly app is working again so they reconnect with HA

No it does not.

So my question is twice I have found all my devices off line as well as the Shelly app unable to connect to the cloud. Once the cloud was working again all devices came back online I did not need to do anything except wait. All where offline for about 4 minutes.
As soon as The devices showed unavailable in HA I open the Shelly app which errors trying to connect to the cloud. ?

Sounds like you have network pronblems.

Network all good as HA and all other devices work fine, internet works fine you just could not connect to Shelly Cloud. But will keep and eye on it and do more tests next time

I got Home assistant. Installed HACS and then Shellyfor Hass, but in UI Lovelace it discovers only one roller shutter instead of three and discover surprisingly 4 switches, that I don’t own.
Is it my mistake? Can I do something for discover all the three rollers shutters?