Shinobi Camera Component

Whilst Shinobi looks super slick, i feel that there is loads of work to do under the hood… zm is like a tank… big heavy but dependable… i have to say that for me, the next best is motioneye…

@xannor Hi! It seems integration doesn’t work. Let me please advise me how to set up it?

Unfortunately I dont use this anymore, so I cannot say if the problem you are having is specific to an error or just due to changes in home assistant or Shinobi moving on from the last time I built this. If you want to submit a bug report with any errors from the logs to the github, or here, I might be able to quickly see what you need to do to get it working.

Next best, or I would say the best is Frigate. After trying zm, shinobi etc I feel like home with Frigate.

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after recent updates to m which almost killed my dual xeon, I moved to Agent DVR… much happier now

Created new integration, available at HACS:

This looks exactly what I need … but can’t seem to find any useful doc on how to configure and use it.
Do you have an example yaml for connecting to shinobi?

just install it using HACS and add integration, readme of project contains all documentation, if something is missing, post me

Yes, add integration was done. But when I add the integration configuration it asks me for BlueIris connection details?? I don’t have BlueIris nor do I want it?

I just want HA to connect to my Shinobi server so it can retrieve alerts, and send those frames to deepstack for processing…

Fixed it in v1.0.5, I missed those labels

I always get “Invalid server details” when trying to connect it.

I entered:

Host: 192.168.x.x (my docker host ip)
Port: 8580 (port 8580-> 8080 in docker compose)
User: [email protected]
Password: password

What am i doing wrong?

is the super user and the dashboard user are identical?
if it isn’t, which one have you used?
if it is, can you please change log level to debug and post it?


Integration seems to work well - but on a dashboard, is there supposed to be a thumbnail preview using a picture card? It only seems to work when i click on it to open a live view.

update: just needed to enable the jpeg api per camera and that took care of it.