Should a dashboard view with 3 sections (across) work on Companion App?

Having just converted to the ‘sections’ dashboard model, I found that I could set it to permit 3 columns instead of the default 2. Works great on a (wide) desktop browser window.
But when rendered on the phone, cards from the third column were placed atop (as in overlapping) cards from other columns (sections), instead of below the cards from other columns.

This is more of a question than a bug-report, since I don’t know if it’s supposed to handle >2 sections across, or not (suggesting I just did something wrong in my view layout).

It is the normal behaviour.
Most actually only get 1 column in the companion app.

I should have pointed out that the app normally stacks my 2-section(column) views just fine. I see 2 columns on the web, 1 on the app.
But it was only when I added a 3rd column that the app got wonky.
As in, it can and has always turne the usual 2 columns into one for the phone display, but can’t do that if there are 3.

Nor sure I follow you.
A screenshot of it might be good. :slight_smile:

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Annnnnd, of course, now it’s working perfectly, so I can’t reproduce it.
One thing I did in between seeing the problem, and now, is I converted all my ‘stacks’ cards into individual cards, so now the views are all pure ‘sections’ and no more ‘stack’ cards. And now the phone renders properly, combining (sequentially) the 3 columns into one tall one.
Perhaps this observation will help another user who runs across the same strange side-effect of using stacks with sections on the app’s display.