Should my base_url be my Nabu Casa remote URL or my local IP?

Suppose I primarily access my HA instance with the Nabu Casa remote UI url (e.g. ). Should my configuration.yaml have the base_url set to my local IP (e.g. ) or my Nabu Casa URL?

Neither. base_url is deprecated and replaced by internal and external url settings.

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Except for Google TTS where base_url is now required to get it working. But this glitch will hopefully be fixed.

Thanks for the info. Iā€™m literally trying to setup Google TTS for the first time. Should the base_url be the internal URL then?

The external url. And I mean that you should add the base_url to the tts: part of configuration.yaml. It should not be under http:. So like this:

  - platform: google_translate
    service_name: google_say
    language: nl
    base_url: <your external url>