Show a list in the front-end containing all known devices

I want to show a list containing of all known devices in my network.

Under “States” i found the group “group.all_devices” that contains all known devices (at home, I guess), but when i place that group under a view, the group isn’t visible

    name: Devices on the network
    view: yes
    icon: mdi:wifi
    - group.all_devices

Question 1: How can I list all devices currently at home?

Question 2: How can I list all known devices?

A piece (or two) of advice would really be appreciated.

The “all_devices” group is hidden by default, so you need to customize it to enable. See here for more conversation. In your customization section you can add the following:

  name: Home
  # etc

      hidden: false
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Thanks alot, @luma , That worked just fine!

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