Show a long text on notification click action

I’m using an automation connected to a service that I created with pyscript to show a text containing a weather forecast as notification on mobile.

  - service: pyscript.get_weather_report
      location: ...
    response_variable: response
  - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_8
      title: Weather forecast
      message: <p> {{ response['report'] }} </p>
        url: entityId:pyscript.weather_report
        clickAction: entityId:pyscript.weather_report

The get_weather_report function both writes the text into the entity attribute pyscript.weather_report.text and returns it into response['report']. This way I can show it into the notification message and persist it as entity. Note that I had to use the entity attribute because text entities have a maximum length of 255 characters.

Now the problem is that this text is quite long so that it doesn’t properly fit in a mobile notification. That’s why I thought of using the click action to bring the user to the entity containing the weather repot. However, this brings up the info panel of the entity, so that I have to go into the attributes tab and open the collapse menu, which is not really ideal.

Is there a way to just show the entire text as a simple textbox (I don’t need at all the entity info tab) when clicking on the notification?

your option is to either show the more info panel or take user to a dashboard, maybe try using a markdown card?

And redirect the user to a lovelace view with just that markdown card? I mean that’s an option that I considered, but I thought there was something easier to just expand a notification text… But maybe that’s the way it is :slight_smile: