Hi there!
I’m really new in homeautomation! I found the combination of home assistant and ESP-Home and I was very excited.
So far so good. After some tests I would make my own room-temperature-controller with some special features but I’m struggeling with some basics…
I made a climate config with thermostat. The valus are shown in HA and I can change it too.
But how could I display the setpoint on my local display (ili9341)? It’s very important for me, that this ESP-Node could work in standalone-mode in the case of a server breakdown.
I hope, that you know what’s my plan…
Okay, now I’ve understood…
lambda calls
From lambdas, you can call several methods on all binary sensors to do some advanced stuff.
Attributes: All climate devices have read-only attributes to get the current state of the device.
// Current mode, type: ClimateMode (enum)
// Current temperature, type: float (degrees)
// Target temperature, type: float (degrees)
// Lower Target temperature, type: float (degrees)
// High Target temperature, type: float (degrees)
// Away mode, type: bool
// Fan mode, type: FanMode (enum)
// Swing mode, type: SwingMode (enum)
// Current action (currentl on idle, cooling, heating, etc.), ClimateAction (enum)
No, it was the lambda code that I’ve missed but I’ve found it.
And yes:
That’s my TFT including a XPT2046 touchscreen
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