Show all Active Alexa Timers

Thanks. I must be missing something. I downloaded ver 1.2. When I use box instead of table I get this:

Here is my code:

type: custom:card-alexa-alarms-timers
  - sensor.fire_tv_cube_next_alarm
  - sensor.kitchen_echo_show_next_alarm
  - sensor.fire_tv_cube_next_timer
  - sensor.kitchen_echo_show_next_timer
remaining_time_bold: true
show_cancel_button: false
cancel_entity: media_player.fire_tv_cube
hide_card_on_empty: false
card_title: Alexa Timers and Alarms
show_device_name: true
show_empty_hours: true
show_alarm_name_seconds: true
display_style: box
card-mod-card: >
  ha-card.alexa-timers *, ha-card.alexa-alarms *, ha-card.alexa-alarms-timers *
    font-size: 60px;
    line-height: 80px;
    transition: none !important;
    border: 0 none;

  #alexa-alarms-timers-outer-box {
      display: flex;
      gap: 10px;

If I use table it looks fine. I’ve tried with and without quotations.

@jwelvaert Oops, try it now. Version 1.2.2.

Unfortunately it still does the same thing. Are there prerequisite cards to make this work? I have card-mod installed.

There are no prerequisite cards to make this work.

Try clearing your cache, maybe? It shouldn’t be reaching any code that uses getElementsByTagName when display_style is equal to box.

Thank you very much @Kethlak for taking the time and sharing this card - I used the original coded version and switched to your hacs version recently.

I recently moved one of my dashboards to use sections and I notice that the hide when empty does not seem to work on a section … I am left with a blank space where the card will be.

I don’t know if this is an issue with the experimental sections code or something with the card. I tried removing the title entity in case that was causing the issue but no change. These are the settings I have:

remaining_time_bold: true
show_cancel_button: false
cancel_entity: media_player.livingroom
hide_card_on_empty: true
show_device_name: true
show_empty_hours: true
show_alarm_name_seconds: true
display_style: table

I have some conditional cards in the section and they don’t leave a blank if the hide condition is true.

Is anyone else seeing this?

@snigehere I don’t know much about sections, sorry. Can you maybe point me to some documentation for them and I’ll take a look?

Thanks @Kethlak for the fast response - more details on sections here

Its a new feature for home assistant that enables drag and drop along with other functions. Its classed as “experimental” by the HA team so we can expect some changes yet as each release comes out.

I am testing it out because another front end integration (thomasloven/lovelace-layout-card] with the Layout-break has stopped working in the june releases of HA and discussion on that issue suggested sections would be a good work around. I had been meaning to try out sections since they were release in April but had not got to it … so now I am force marched!! There are other issues with sections for earlier versions of android where condition cards don’t correctly hide - they just leave a blank space - but that seems to not be the case on later releases of android which use a more up to date webview version.

If I can provide more than please let me know.

@Kethlak Maybe this will help

This code on a blank dashboard inserted by using the raw configuration editor may give you a start point … for the cards around the alexa card I just used some time and date entities so hope they will show up correctly for you and allow you to see the gap. Obviously you will need to change the alexa entities

I included a conditional card as well and that works on on my android 14 but not my android tablet running 5.1 … thats for info only so you are also aware of other pending issues

Card edit on sections shows up in the centre of the card when you hover over it.

  - title: home
    path: home
    type: sections
    max_columns: 3
    icon: mdi:folder-home
      - type: grid
          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
                icon_color: blue
                fill_container: false
              - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
                entity: sensor.time
                icon_color: blue
          - type: custom:card-alexa-alarms-timers
              - sensor.dining_room_echo_dot_next_alarm
              - sensor.kitchen_echo_next_alarm
              - sensor.living_room_echo_dot_next_alarm
              - sensor.nigel_s_echo_flex_next_alarm
              - sensor.study_echo_dot_next_alarm
              - sensor.dining_room_echo_dot_next_timer  
              - sensor.kitchen_echo_next_timer
              - sensor.living_room_echo_dot_next_timer
              - sensor.nigel_s_echo_flex_next_timer
              - sensor.study_echo_dot_next_timer
              - sensor.livingroom_next_timer  - sensor.kitchen_next_timer
            remaining_time_bold: true
            show_cancel_button: false
            cancel_entity: media_player.livingroom
            hide_card_on_empty: true
            show_device_name: true
            show_empty_hours: true
            show_alarm_name_seconds: true
            display_style: table
          - type: entities
              - entity: sensor.time
              - entity:
      - type: grid
          - type: conditional
              - condition: numeric_state
                entity: sensor.hacs
                above: 0
              type: entity
              entity: sensor.hacs
              name: HACS
              detail: 1
          - type: entities
              - entity: sensor.time
              - entity:
      - type: grid
          - type: entities
              - entity: sensor.time
              - entity:
    cards: []
title: Kiosk

edit to correct a copy / paste issue

@snigehere I figured out a way to make this card conditional. I set up a template binary_sensor in my configuration files: for your example, it should look like this (there may be a better way of formatting this code, but I don’t know enough jinja to improve it - basically it’s a binary sensor that is on if any of these is not ‘unknown’):

  - name: "Upcoming Timers and Alarms"
    state: >
      "{{ [
      ]|select("!=", 'unknown')|list|length > 0 }}"

And then you can make a conditional card in that section of your dashboard that shows only if this binary sensor is on. That works for me, at least.

Edited: changed “unavailable” to “unknown” in the description, the code was fine

I can’t get the card to show up when I go to add the card to a panel. It is installed at: \www\community\card-alexa-alarms-timers, and I have restarted Home Assistant.

What have I missed?

@stevemann Have you looked at the installation instructions here: GitHub - Kethlak/card-alexa-alarms-timers: Card for Alexa Timers and Alarms ?

@Kethlak Thanks for the suggestion … It will work for my PC and phone but I have an issue on my old tablet which sits in the kitchen for the family to see. The conditional card in a section is not working correctly on older versions of webview … it blanks the content but leaves the card there Experimental sections not correctly handling conditional cards on earlier versions of webview · Issue #21047 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

The issue with the alexa card impacts all versions of webview plus chrome and firefox … the issue native to sections (linked above) only affects old android webview and old versions of chrome

I will make the change you suggested to part solve it as it will defiantly be an improvement but not the full solution.

Sections are only experimental so maybe they will find a solution to the conditional card or maybe some later release will correct the logic that your card uses.

Many thanks for your help

Two times. I asked because the instructions are not up to date with the HACS UI. For example, there is no three-dots menu on the HACS page.

But since it installed at www\community\card-alexa-alarms-timers I would expect to be able to find it when I go to add a card.

@stevemann After you go to the HACS page, click on “Frontend”. There should be a three dots menu on that page.

I did, and I found the card, and I clicked on Download.
HOW ELSE would the card be in www\community\card-alexa-alarms-timers?
I restarted Home Assistant, and the card is not found when I try to add it to a panel.

That is my question.

@stevemann You said “there is no three-dots menu on the HACS page”. I thought you meant that you couldn’t follow the instructions at all.
How far were you able to get in the instructions? Please remember that I cannot see your system, and that I cannot read your mind. I do not know how you got the file on your system, as I was not the one who put it there. “HOW ELSE would the card be in www\community\card-alexa-alarms-timers ?” :alien:

I got as far as “download”.

@stevemann it would be helpful if you could include some screen shots - it maybe you are using the experimental version of hacs so the UI is different - I have not used that version so don’t know if that is indeed the case.

When you go to HACS and choose / filter on frontend do you see the card listed?

The install steps for me would be … from frontend in hacs I would first set up the custom repository so that its available to use and then having done that go to “search and download” within hacs to install the card. The card would then be shown in the front end of HACS as being installed.

To make sure the resource got correctly set up go to settings > dashboards … click the three dots and choose “resources”

From here check that the alexa card resource is shown

If its not there then the install has not correctly worked … in that case details steps and pictures will help others here provide some help

What version are you using?

As I said. It did download. But

when I go to add the card to a panel, it’s not found.

Ahh … now its clear thanks … you can’t add it via adding a card - you need to add a manual card and paste in the code from the help document, adjusting the entities for your ones … … I see you call yourself yaml challanged so a direct copy / past will work. From the alexa media player integration you can discover the names of the entities you need to use