Hi, this is probably really simple, but apparently so simple that no one has bothered to comment on this anywhere I could google.
I want a badge in the frontend showing off the status of an input_boolean. I have made binary switches based on input_boolean, but I dont get the little title bar underneath.
As an example, the image attached shows several device trackers and three badges that are binary sensors based on input_boolean. But how do I get a little title bar (like the “away”) on these? And preferably customize the “on” and “off” (home/away) labels, if possible?
FYI, my binary_sensors.yaml has a few entries that look like this:
- platform: template
friendly_name: Is Aephir Home (3x)
value_template: "{{ states.input_boolean.aephirhome.state == 'on' }}"
entity_id: input_boolean.aephirhome
device_class: occupancy