Show IP/MAC address in the device page


It would be nice to have the known IP address (or MAC address for BLE devices) shown in the ‘Device Info’ block under a device page.
In my opinion, that would be very convenient when trying to troubleshoot a non-responsive device. The first step is often to ping the device and check if it responds. Having this information immediately available would save some time.
Depending on the complexity to implement it, this information could only be displayed if the ‘Advanced Mode’ switch under the Profile setting page is ON.

Thanks !

was just thinking this when I had to reconfigure my Wiz lighting setup.

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I like the idea too.
The IP address of a device should be an easily accessible information.

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The IP address is in config/network.

Please re-read the original post. I am not talking about the HA instance IP address, but the devices connected to it

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i think this is problematic. I agree it is 100% useful to have and i’m struggling with that right now with a wifi switch but i think it’s a question of mechanics.
Lets take my wifi switch. it is a switch in my home that uses wifi. So it must have a mac address and an ip address. But it’s a tuya device, and all control is done through the Tuya api which is some server in ‘The Cloud’. So Homeassistant would not know what the ip or mac address is since it never interacts with the device directly, it only ‘sees’ it thorugh the tuya cloud.
For local devices though, yeah, super handy.


The information is all there. Executing an arp -a command will return a list of MAC addresses and their corresponding IP address. So if you know your MAC address, then you can determine the IP address. The integration should know the MAC address when a device is installed, so getting the IP should be relatively easy.

But, way beyond my programming expertise…

Would also be very helpful if HA could display the ESP code number of devices. Even my router shows this ID. Homeassistant does not (at least not to non-coders). The fact that you need to enter prompts to get this info, does show that Homeassistant is still some distance away from being comsumer friendly and accessible to “non-coders”. Keeping it “coder geeky” will not help the proliferation of Homeassistant in any way (;

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Another vote for this from me. I’m not too familiar with Tuya but I have lots of Broadlink devices and if it uses a Broadlink cloud servce why doesn’t it use the same names as the service. I am spending ages trying to match my 10 Bl sockets configured in the Bl app with HA’s list - having to go to round the house to each socket in turn. Of course, I maybe missing something!

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Another vote from me. I suspect a lot of the current issues I’m encountering might be related to dynamic vs. static IP addressing. I want to get a listing of all my devices and their MAC addresses to verify the cause of the issue, with the goal to shifting everything to Static IP addresses…

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Why not use your router’s dhcp server?

When a new device is connected, it will show up in your router; change the lease into a reservation; give it a name (f.e. myname), and voila, you have a list of all devices and their IP’s + MAC’s :thinking:

And if your router has domain name set for its DNS server, you can even use the dhcp name: myname.domain.mine
or when mDNS works: myname.local

For sure the best idea, even thou it can “come in handy” to have the MAC/IP in i.e Devices-page , then i rather use the Router or Device-Trackers, , i don’t like this “info” to be accessible/visible everywhere, the less the better

Which is fine until your router decides to reissue IP addresses, now what’s on the router doesn’t match what’s in HA, causing various devices to go offline.

Comparing HA’s up tables with the router’s should make it easier to troubleshoot.

The whole point of a DHCP reservation is that that won’t happen…so unless you give your router a factory reset, those IP address remain reserved to a specific mac address and will never be re-issued😉

However, i do take a back up every now and then, just in case my router dies….

All my network devices use static ip’s. HA devices are hard coded thru secrets.yaml. Once on your network your router should show the ip and mac. It’s simple then to fix the ip and select the mac from the list.

Another good tool is WiFiman on android which is great for scanning you network.

All devices on HA have a reserved IP ( so might be considered as static)

I use the DNS names for my devices, so no need to tell HA their IP’s…
And why in secrets.yaml? Local IP address’s are local only and cannot be routed over the internet…and once a hacker has access to your local network, he will have full access to all your devices anyway. I.o.w, there is no point in hiding local IP’s :thinking:

All my devices are local so nothing to do with internet. If I’ve been hacked then I have bigger problems than HA.

When cloudcutting all my Tuya devices, better to use ip address. No dns name available for uploading yaml.