Show latest timestamp when clicking device tracker entity on map?

I’ve got various device trackers on map cards which show a history trace. Clicking on the historical entries shows a pop up with the timestamp of the entry. Is there any way of getting this to work on the most recent entry, i.e. where you get the entity icon (the M circled in the screenshot below), to show when that was last updated?

Screenshot 2024-10-29 at 17.18.11

Also, if there are two entities in the same place is it possible to separate them? There are actually 3 on my map but all in the same place at the time I took the screenshot.

I think this is a great idea!
Personally, I would also love some visual feedback if an entity is stale, like a different color. For example, it is great that HA shows that my boy’s phone is home, but if last update was seven hours ago, that is actually misleading :frowning:

Or, is there some way to have some automation based on the phone’s last update (staleness) to automatically change some visual attribute of it?