Show medical data from insulin pump


the community gave so many things to my, so i want to give something back:

i’ve created an software to read the sensor glucose values from a medtronic minimed insulin pump (it is just a fun project):

I added a json server to my software, so you are able to “see” the insulin pump status in HA:

The software is not tested yet and there is no warranty, that the software works correctly.

Input (and help of course) is appreciated!




From a (non pump) diabetic, bravo!

Sorry to revive a necropost but wow, nice! I’ll try to get this to work, let’s see if it still works two years on :slight_smile:

I have a pump now, but different brand unfortunately.

Woow, how did you got the data from teh pump to HA?
I have a 780G, connected to my phone, but did not know i could connect it to something else also :open_mouth:

Do you need to have something connected to your pc or raspberry/HA?
Can you alse receive notifications low value notifications ota?

There is a link to the author’s github.

wow. after all these years…

I stopped development because there are some technical issues with the stability. the contour next link (which is necessary for the connection) uses some ***** software…

my wife now uses the 670g - maybe I restart development. But: feel free to contribute!!!


@compuholic , Do you need to be around the PC to get the readings in HA?
I have a 780G wich uses an app for the Diabetic data, but the app is from Medtronic… so…
Notifications for low BG are just terrible, I would like to load the data from the app or my phone to HA, and create my own notifications what other users can see in case of emergency.

Do you think if it is possible?

As I read it, the data is via bluetooth, so you have to be in range.

Have you tried xdrip+ on your phone?

No never heard of, I will look into it! Thanks

Hi all,

There is now a hacs integration available which polls carelink data and makes it available in homassistant.

There are some quirks, but it is already usable.