I’ve got my Nest cam and FireTV defined to Alexa, so I can press the Voice button on the FireTV remote and say “Show Driveway”, to cause the Driveway Nest cam to stream to the FireTV.
I’ve also got an HA automation that triggers a script when a person is detected on the cam, so for example if the Driveway cam sees a person, the script turns a group of lights on.
I’d like to add an action to the script to stream the cam image to the FireTV when a person is detected, in other words to do what it now does after a “Show Driveway” voice command, but triggered by an HA script instead. I’ve tried to read up on the various ways Alexa and HA might communicate, but I’m a little confused as to how the pieces would fit together to make this happen. Anyone doing this now? Any guidance you can offer would be much appreciated.
I don’t have the Alexa component configured to HA at this point. That’s actually exactly what I’m asking about here.
I have the FireTV and Nest cam defined to the Alexa app as Smart Home devices. Here is some info on how it’s done. When I give the “Show Driveway” command to Alexa, I am not using HA at all, just speaking into the FireTV remote while pressing its “microphone” button.
Separately, I also have the Nest cams defined to HA and use their motion sensors to trigger HA automations to turn lights on.
The last piece I want to achieve is to send the “show camera” command from HA to Alexa as part of my automation script. But how?
OK, it’s solved. To recap: when the NestCam on my deck detects a person at night, I wanted to be alerted, especially if I’m home in bed, but also if I’m not. I want the FireTV in my bedroom to turn on and display what the NestCam sees on the deck. OK, here’s my solution, which uses the Alexa Media Player integration, a NestCam, an Echo Dot in the bedroom and a FireTV. Also, as an extra, the Join app installed on various devices.
First, I create an automation that triggers a script of actions when a person is detected by the cam at night:
- alias: 'Person on deck detected'
initial_state: true
platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.deck_camera_person_detected
to: 'on'
- condition: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.night
state: 'on'
service: script.test_bedroom_tv_on
The script that’s triggered does the following:
announces the event to the echo dot in the bedroom
turns a group of lights on in the house meant to alert me and also the intruder
sends a notification to the Join app in case I’m elsewhere
turns on the FireTV in the bedroom
waits 3 seconds for the TV to come to life
causes the TV to say “Echo, show deck” out loud
the Echo dot in the bedroom hears this and responds by streaming the NestCam to the FireTV
description: The amount of time to wait before next command
example: 3
- alias: Announce to Echo Dot
service: notify.alexa_media
- media_player.bedroom_dot
type: announce
message: There may be someone on the deck
- alias: Security2 lights on
entity_id: group.security2
service: homeassistant.turn_on
- alias: Notification of Person
message: 'Person on deck detected {{ now().strftime(''%H:%M %A %d %B %Y'') }} '
title: Person on Deck Notification
service: notify.join
- alias: Turn on TV
service: media_player.volume_set
entity_id: media_player.bedroom_firetv
volume_level: 0.15
- delay:
seconds: 3
- service: notify.alexa_media
- media_player.bedroom_firetv
type: tts
message: "echo, show deck"