Show node status in HA

HI Im using the vacation time for various lights. is it possible to display the time it is going to trigger in lovelace

Yes it is. (If you mean from out of NodeRed)
You need to install the HACS Noder-RED Companion app and also add nodered in the integration page.
Then you can do that with the next node:

Thanks I will have a look at that

well i had a look at Node-RED Companion and I have no idea how to use it, Is there a manual for it and some examples

did you install the nodered companion app and integration?
You only need to install it, thats all.
Then you need to write in Nodered the sensor node. for example

In this example i do send the var: global.IemandThuis (that can also be msg.payload for example) to Ha as a sensor with the name: Nodered aantal thuis
in HA the sensor:

It is realy simple

The HACS integration:

The HA integration:

Thanks of that,
I had installed the Node-RED Companion app but it is only showing my google minis and no other nodes I will have a play around and see what I can come up with