This is my dashboard. I created my own button-gauge-card.
Still a lot to do…
On the left
First row → status of the device (ready,drink ready etc), Main storage solenoid lock, Main storage door status
Second row → Status of the door where it gets delivered, its solenoid lock, WS2812B strip to show off the glass.
3rd and 4th rows are self explanatory.
Right side
some stats for my reference.
All compartments stays in apartment balcony, posing as big electrical appliances. the delivery box is at my desk, housing an old style 2 pole 2way switch as dummy.
Please let me know for more photos.
Any chance you can share your yaml for the room cards showing temps with buttons? Trying to do something similar for my dashboard.
type: custom:stack-in-card
mode: vertical
- type: custom:layout-card
layout_type: grid-layout
grid-template-columns: 36% auto 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
margin: 0
- color: teal
type: tile
entity: sensor.raumklima_wohnzimmer
icon: mdi:sofa
name: Wohnzimmer
action: more-info
style: |
ha-card {box-shadow: none !important; padding-top: 8}
- type: button
icon: none
style: |
ha-card {box-shadow: none !important}
- type: button
show_name: false
entity: binary_sensor.rauchmelder_wohnzimmer_smoke
icon_height: 24px
style: |
ha-card {box-shadow: none !important}
- type: button
icon: none
icon_height: 18px
style: |
ha-card {box-shadow: none !important}
- type: button
style: |
ha-card {box-shadow: none !important}
icon: mdi:lightbulb-outline
entity: light.leseecke_unten
show_name: false
icon_height: 18px
action: call-service
service: scene.turn_on
data: {}
entity_id: scene.wohnzimmer_gemutlich
action: call-service
service: scene.turn_on
data: {}
entity_id: scene.wohnzimmer_arbeiten
- type: button
style: |
ha-card {box-shadow: none !important}
icon: mdi:weather-night
show_name: false
icon_height: 18x
action: call-service
service: scene.turn_on
data: {}
entity_id: scene.wohnzimmer_aus
- type: button
entity: media_player.wohnzimmer
show_name: false
icon_height: 18px
style: |
ha-card {box-shadow: none !important;
--state-media_player-active-color: #009682;
--state-media_player-speaker-paused-color: #83949f;
--state-media_player-speaker-playing-color: #009682;
- show_name: false
show_icon: true
type: button
entity: vacuum.maunzi
icon_height: 18px
style: |
ha-card {box-shadow: none !important;
- type: conditional
- condition: state
entity: media_player.wohnzimmer
state: playing
type: custom:mini-media-player
entity: media_player.wohnzimmer
name: Chromecast
artwork: cover
volume: true
source: true
power_state: false
progress: true
info: scroll
sound_mode: icon
toggle_power: true
Is this PowerFlow Card custom Made? Do you mind sharing the code?
It’s the Powerflow Plus-Card with custom CSS. I changed it a bit more and removed the direction-arrows completely, since they are redundant. This allows for a slightly bigger font and gives an overall cleaner look.
style: |
ha-card {
font-size: 13px;
ha-card [class^='battery-'] ha-icon {
display: none;
ha-card .small {
display: none;
Thank you very much!
nice one!!
Started to re do a new weather dashboard.
All the icons are animated SVG’s.
Daily Forecast is webpage embed from Windy
Wind- info is from local Ambient weather station the icon will dynamically change as the wind speed increases/decreases.
Temp- current is local, forecast is from Pirate weather it uses a rest api and looks at the next hour every 45 min does the math and the icon will show the up/down arrow based on if the next hour is warmer or colder than the current, if there is no change it shows the icon with no arrow.
Current Forecast- pulls from NWS text is whatever the current forecast is, icon changes dynamically to match
Wind Gust/Max- pulls for local weather station
AQI- pulls from WAQI integration. Gages change based on readings
Radar- is webpage embed from Windy full clickable
Humidity/Rain data- all local data
Sun info- Sun Safety takes the states of the 3 sensors to it’s right and based on a predetermined scale the icon will go from Green/Yellow/Red so you know just how quick you are going to get burnt up in the TX sun, The next 3 with custom made SVG’s show the Lux/Irradiance/ UV are pulled from local sensors.
Big thanks to []( for making his SVGs
Cards used- Webpage Card, grid, custom:button-card, Vertical stack Card, gauge,
Additional template sensors and a REST API used.
Homedashboard Cards and Layout Code for Home Assistant
Here I would like to introduce you my dashboard and provide you with a detailed overview. The dashboard is based on the new tile design in HA. The structure of the dashboard has grown a lot since then and an overview is good for me, too. The dashboard is adapted for tablet view. If possible, you shouldn’t have to scroll, but in some places it just can’t be avoided. In addition, the larger cards are broken up in the layout on the mobile phone and are therefore also displayed quite well. Development is continuing and I will try to maintain the current status of the dashboard at github. Also I will record current updates on github. English ReadMe is attached since today.
Everything is clearly structured so that you can easily copy the elements you want. All YAML files are listed for each card and assigned to the corresponding pages or subpages. It’s best to look at the respective screenshot of the page in the folder/subfolder and you can quickly assign the corresponding card or find it in the folder structure. You will also find the YAML for all the pages there. It is all in German, but the folder structure and pictures should be enough to find everything.
…coming soon